Pré-monólogo #7 - Adorno de Nuvem
quarta-feira, março 11, 2009Antes de todo monólogo, deve ter o pré-texto. Quem acompanha esse blog há quase exato 1 ano, sabe da regra. O #6 saiu da regra, mas não vou deixar mais escapar.
"If you feel discouraged
That there's a lack of color here
Please don't worry lover
It's really bursting at the seems."
(A Lack Of Color - Death Cab For Cutie)
"I'm a war, of head versus heart,
And it's always this way.
My head is weak, my heart always speaks,
Before I know what it will say."
(Crooked Teeth - DCFC)
And it's always this way.
My head is weak, my heart always speaks,
Before I know what it will say."
(Crooked Teeth - DCFC)
Perseverança e esperança devem viver em todos nós.
"That love is watching someone die
So who's gonna watch you die?"
(What Sarah Said - DCFC)
"That love is watching someone die
So who's gonna watch you die?"
(What Sarah Said - DCFC)
1 reações
cara,adoro essas canções do death cab,estão lindas as fotos da formatura de vocês (betta,nanz e conde lindos demais)
ResponderExcluirmuito bonito o blog,gostei das cores e do layout :)